Friday, 27 September 2013

My first bushwalk

My first real bushwalk that I can remember was with Girl Guides.
I started Girl Guides when I was 7 and did it for five years. I was part of the 3rd Ingle Farm group in South Australia.
We did a lot of cool stuff like camping, bushwalking, kayaking, rock climbing and abseiling. But it was bushwalking that really stood out for me as being the most enjoyable.
It was here that I learnt a lot of my skills and I owe it to my guide leader, Brown Owl, for teaching me all I needed to know in survival skills.

In Guides we learnt things like;
-How to set up a tent.
-How to tie knots.
-Basic first aid.
-What to do if you see a snake in the bush.
-How to be prepared.
-How to use a compass.
-Navigational skills.
-Phonetic alphabet.
At the time as I was so young, I didn’t really pay much attention and was pretty much a brat!!! I mucked up a lot when I became a teenager (as you do) and I ended up quitting as it wasn’t a “cool” thing to do in high school. But some of the stuff clearly sunk in because I have a lot of knowledge that I remember from back in Guides.

Morialta falls, SA.

Morialta falls in Adelaide was my lucky first! It was here that I experienced the wonders of bushwalking for the first time on a rock climbing expedition with Guides. When I was young it seemed to be a massive walk to the waterfall with giant cliffs on either side. When I returned as an adult I realized that the waterfall wasn't as spectacular as I remembered and the walk was quite easy. The walks are still enjoyable and the waterfall is nice, even though its small!!

If you live in Adelaide check out Morialta falls, its a nice place to take kids and offers decent walks if you're a bit more adventurous!!

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